Posts in Leadership
[video] Q. and A. with E.W. Tibbs: What’s merit got to do with team building? Everything.

Claire: Hi, it's great to be here today with E.W. Tibbs. We are going to be addressing a really important topic today, and that's about merit. What's merit got to do with team building.

E.W. Tibbs: Well, Claire, thanks for taking a couple of minutes today. And when you ask the question of what merit has to do with team building, the answer is simple. Everything.

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[Video] The Civility Mirror

By E. W. Tibbs

All too often, the media are focused on poor behavior, often aggressive and mean behavior, name calling and other things that if our mothers were watching, things they would not be proud of if we were the ones displaying that behavior.

The Civility Mirror means when I am preparing for an interaction and thinking about the words I choose, I think carefully, especially when it comes to how it might make another person feel.

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Hurricane Florence is no match for Florence Nightingale

By EW Tibbs

Since the 1990s, I used the nursing process (assessing, diagnosing, planning, implementing, and evaluating) plus a healthy dose of human resiliency in healthcare leadership and my personal life.  Little did I know that this training would benefit me when I least expected it.  In September 2018, Hurricane Florence made landfall on the coast of North Carolina and with it permanently changed the residents’ lives. Homes were swept away and people feared how they would provide something as simple as the next meal for their families. My family was fortunate because our home only sustained minor structural damage; the only major damage was losing our dock. With hard work, determination and a disciplined process, the dock was transformed into something even better than it was in its previous state.

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